The Many Faces of Islam

The Free Muslims Coalition is a nonprofit organization made up of American Muslims and Arabs of all backgrounds who feel that religious violence and terrorism have not been fully rejected by the Muslim community in the post 911era.

Video – The Future of Islam in America:

The Free Muslim Coalition Against Terrorism:

Click Here to View More Videos on Their Site:

~ The Horrific Oppression of Muslim Women ~

Muslim men treat your women with respect. God made woman from a rib from a man’s side, not a bone from the head so she is better and not a bone from the foot so you can treat her like a dog, but a rib bone to be an help mate and partner in life. If you aren’t going to treat her right don’t get married until you learn self control, kindness, and love. You are NOT worthy of your wife or your wife’s love if you abuse/beat her.

What’s Wrong With the Arab World?

Are the Arabs Stupid? Syria occupies Lebanon even today and no one wails about the “occupation.” Iraq invades Kuwait and it is easily forgiven and forgotten. Shiites in Saudi Arabia are second-class citizens, to say the least. But Israel, ah Israel; if Israel kills even a single civilian by accident in pursuit of terrorists who blow up children, the charges of “genocide” go up like flags on a football field.

An Unconventional Arab Viewpoint…

What bugs me is the way they show no appreciation for just how tolerant and open-minded and non-judgmental the American people really are toward them and the Arab and Muslim world.

The Silent Muslim Majority IS the Problem

By Nonie Darwish | January 7, 2005

I am overwhelmed with sadness over the state of the Muslim world. I am looking at the photograph of an Iranian woman about to be stoned to death in Iran, buried to her waste in dirt to keep her from running away.

A few weeks ago, I read about a 14 year-old Iranian boy who died after receiving 85 lashes for the ‘sin’ of eating in public in the month of Ramadan.

Salah Uddin Choudhury has been in prison for one year in Bangladesh for the ‘crime’ of urging his nation to recognize Israel and advocating interfaith dialogue among equals as well as warning against the growing power of Islamists in Bangladesh.

What are Muslim community activists in America doing about their homegrown brutal human rights violations? They are silent.

Source – Read More:

Terror Arrests and the “Misunderstood” Religion:

Hope for Ishmael:

“…..your people shall be my people and your God, my God.” (Ruth 1:16b)

One an Arafat Man – Tass Saada – Former Fatah Fighter

“At Hope for Ishmael, we believe the answer to the Middle East turmoil is not political. It is spiritual. The only peace that can truly be achieved is through Jesus Christ. As a former PLO Fatah fighter under Yasser Arafat, Tass has experienced this first hand. Many other Arabs and Jews have come to experience the same peace and reconciliation to the Father and each other through this vision. The Center for Ministry to Muslims <CMM> reports there are only 2.73 missionaries per million Muslims. We have no records of the number of missionaries to the Jewish people. The number of missionaries to Muslims is the lowest among any religious group. The need is GREAT! Will you support his work?
We believe that God has raised Hope for Ishmael for such a time as this.”

Hope for Ishmael’s Vision is: To reconcile Arabs and Jews to the Father and each other through the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Six Million Muslims Convert to Christianity!!! Wow!!!

Refuge From Islam:

Jesus or Mohammad:

Sons of Abraham:

Islam Revealed: A Christian Arab’s View of Islam:

In Islam Revealed, Dr. Anis Shorrosh explains the driving force behind the fanatical, as well as the moderate and conservative sects of Islam. Drawing on his experience as a Palestinian-born Arab Christian and years of research and study, Dr. Shorrosh takes a hard look at an ever-growing religion that currently numbers 900 million members.

Through comparisons of Islam’s Quran and the Hebrew-Christian Bible, Dr. Shorrosh outlines the contradictions and inaccuracies that form the basis for the Muslims’ beliefs, and contrasts the turbulent life of Muhammad with the life of Jesus.

Kamal Saleem – Arise Body of Christ! A Former Terrorist’s Memoir of Death & Redemption:

The Blood of the Lambs:

‘Kamal says 9/11 is nothing compared to what cultural jihad is doing in America. With cultural jihad, you are dealing with organized groups that operate around the clock, seasoned people who go above and beyond, and they are armed with both the power of the Koran and with rifles. Their mission is to infest and infect America from within, eventually having Muslims as people of power and influence in all realms of society and government. Cultural jihadists target the hungry, poor, and those who are seeking God, providing for their needs in the name of Islam.’

Secrets of the Koran: Revealing Insight into Islam’s Holy Book, by: Don Richardson:

“The vast majority of Muslims are not bad people. Don encourages honest, peace-loving Muslims to reexamine their own faith, to really read the Koran for themselves. Instead of just listening to what the clerics tell you, think for yourself and make your own decision.”

Why I Am Not a Muslim Today:

Warraq, a former Muslim who now lives in Ohio, examines the major principles of the world’s second largest religion, presenting a less than flattering picture of the faith and its followers. He analyzes factors that influenced the writing of the Koran, chronicles the rise of Islam, and criticizes the dark side of the faith with chapters on the Salman Rushdie affair, the oppression of women in Muslim society, the authoritarian nature of Islamic law, and the suppression of basic rights in many Muslim countries. Contains a glossary. Annotation copyright Book News, Inc. Portland, OR.

The Qur’an Proves That Israel Belongs to The Jews!

Islam: Holy Land Belongs to The Jewish People – [Surah 5:21] “O my people! enter the holy land which Allah hath assigned unto you, and turn not back Ignominiously, for then will ye be overthrown, to your own ruin.”