A Word From a Handmaiden of the Lord

I will be with my people in mighty ways. Many will be delivered as the kingdoms of earth are shaken to there core.

T.d. Hale
January 4 at 5:14am · Edited ·

A word given to a handmaiden of the Lord. I had a strong feeling to share this because I know her to be a true saint of God:

“Wails of trouble are on the horizon. The earth is open for much sorrow and pain to be seen. Faith will be tried as the opening of hell increases. The time to flee has come upon this people. The heavens will reel and smoke at the effects of the sounds of war breaking forth. Times will change suddenly and new trouble will erupt daily, things that have not been seen until this time. The hurt will be seen on faces as they see & hear horrible sights and sounds.

Will you stand and cry unto me when the eagle is seen fallen from the sky? Will you yet hope when the earth begins to shake violently? Do not lose hope my people, for these things must be but the end is not yet. I long to see my own delivered out of the chaos of the falling society. But you will see much of the effects of sin being judged, as the fire falls from the skies…never think that all is lost for you are mine and will come forth out of all the deep darkness and emerge in victory.

I will be with my people in mighty ways. Many will be delivered as the kingdoms of earth are shaken to her core. I will send a word as needed to show you my will for you my seed. We will be as a well watered garden in the midst of a dry dessert. Let not your heart be troubled for all will fall into place and I will keep you in this hour of controversy.

Men that thought themselves above the Almighty but have not yet seen My Mighty power unleashed. So fear not when I let loose my wrath in many areas. I will set you in a safe haven, when needed. I know this surprises you,(this was to her personally) but do not be alarmed. Faith will come for each step of the journey. I am leading this Exodus and we will exit the burning. Do not lose sight who is in control.” 12/31/13 3:40 PM

Source: http://www.stevequayle.com/index.php?s=33&d=761

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Rabbi Kaduri’s Deathbed Prophecy

This will simply amaze you! Rabbi Kaduri reveals the name of the Messiah.


Ariel Sharon has died at 85 – 1/11/14 after being in a coma for 8 years.

It is said that the rapture will happen shortly after Sharon Dies. Wow!

Earthquake happens during Ariel Sharon’s funeral: http://youtu.be/_TWBhH6plok


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Hear the entire 90 minute show: http://youtu.be/6l2e7Falh4w

Maranatha, Kitty <^.^>

Prophecy – The Time of Shaking


-Lance Lambert.

(This prophecy was given by Lance Lambert in 1986 in a Prophetic Conference in Jerusalem. 153 prophets from 30 to 40 nations had gathered to wait upon and to hear from the Lord. The highlights of this prophecy to the entire body of Christ are as follows…)

“It will not be long before there will come upon the world a time of unparalleled upheaval and turmoil. Do not fear for it is I the Lord who am shaking all things. I began this shaking with the first world war and I greatly increased it through the second world war. Since 1973 I have given it an even greater impetus. In the last stage, I plan to complete it with the shaking of the universe itself, with signs in sun and moon and stars. But before that point is reached, I will judge the nations and the time is near. It will not only be by war and civil war, by anarchy and terrorism, and by monetary collapses that I will judge the nations, but also by natural disasters: by earthquakes, by shortages and famines and by old and new plague diseases. I will also judge them by giving them over to their own ways, the lawlessness, to loveless selfishness, to delusion and to believing a lie; to false religion and an apostate church, even to a Christianity without me.

Do not fear when these things begin to happen, for I disclose these things to you before they commence in order that you might be prepared, and that in the day of trouble and of evil you may stand firm and overcome. For I purpose that you may become the means of encouraging and strengthening many who love me but who are weak. I desire that through you many may become strong in me, and that multitudes of others might find my salvation through you.

“And hear this! Do not fear the power of the Kremlin, nor the power of the Islamic Revolution, for I plan to break both of them through Israel. I will bring down their pride and their arrogance, and shatter them because they have blasphemed my name. In that day I will avenge the blood of all the martyrs and of the innocent ones whom they have slaughtered. I will surely do this thing for they have thought that there was no one to judge them. But I have seen their ways and I have heard the cries of the oppressed and of the persecuted and I will break their power and make an end of them.

Be ye therefore prepared for when all this comes to pass, to you will be given the great opportunity to preach the Gospel freely to all nations. In the midst of all the turmoil and shaking, and at the heart of everything, is My Church. In the heavenlies. She is joined to Me in one Spirit and I have destined Her for the throne. You who are My beloved, whom I have redeemed and anointed – you are Mine. I will equip and empower you and you will rise up and do great things in My Name, even in the midst of darkness and evil. For I will reveal My power, and My grace and glory through you. Do not hold back nor question My ways with you for in all My dealings with you I have always in mind that you should be part of My Bride and reign with Me. Do not forget that this requires discipline and training. So yield to Me that I might do a work in you in the time which is left for I plan even during all this shaking the Bride will make Herself ready.

“For in the midst of these judgments multitudes upon multitudes will be saved from the nations. You will hardly know how to bring the harvest in, but my Spirit will equip you for the task. And to Israel, will I also turn in that day, and I will melt the hardening which has befallen her. I will turn their blindness into clear sight, and tear away the veil on their heart. Then shall they be redeemed with heart bursting joy, and it will become a fountain of new and resurrection life to the whole company of the redeemed.

“Do not fear for these days, for I have purposed that you shall stand with Me and serve Me in them. Fear not, for I love you and I will protect you and equip you. I, the Lord, will anoint you with a new anointing and you will work My works and fulfill My counsel. You shall stand before Me, the Lord of the whole earth and serve Me with understanding and with power and you shall reign with Me during these days. Above all, I call you to be intercessors.”

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Andrew Strom